Handling potential flow without viscosity.


¶ PitzDaily

Summary of the case, PitzDaily
Item Value/Name
Mesh Block with grading mesh
Flow type Potential
Governing Equations Transport (diffision and convection) equation for heat transfer
Solver scalarTransportFoam

1. Pre-Processing

The layout of this case, PitzDaily. It is assumed the flat plate (thickness in Z-axis is 0.001[m]), with an inlet in the upper left.

2. Settings

Initially, temperature (T) is set to 1[K] and the flow velocity (U) is set to (10, 0, 0)[m/s].

3. Simulation

4. Post-Processing

5. Analysis

5.1 Velocity potential

This figure shows the distribution of Velocity potential (Φ) at Time=0 sec.
If z=0 and v=0, the time-derivative of Φ is equal to the kinematic pressure (p/ρ). This figure shows the distribution of kinematic pressure at z=0 and Time=0 sec.
This figure shows no vorcity at Time=0 sec.