Wind around buildings
Item | Value/Name |
Mesh | Block mesh for the volume field (fluid domain) and hexahedral for (around) the buildings |
Flow type | steady-state turbulent by ras (standard k-ε model) |
Solver | simpleFoam |
1. Pre-Processing
The hexahedral mesh is generated on the basis of the Obj file of the buildings.

2. Settings
The initial and boundary conditions are set for the inlet which is located in the YZ-plane at x=-20 (the outlet is the opposite side and at x=330), and the internal field.
Have a read on the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and the dissipation (ε) here.
Item | Initial/Boundary | Value/Name |
Inlet of flow velocity (U) | initial and boundary | uniform, (10, 0, 0) [m/s] |
Outlet of flow velocity (U) | initial and boundary | uniform, (0, 0, 0) [m/s] |
Flow velocity (U) in the Internal field | initial | uniform, (0, 0, 0) [m/s] |
Inlet of turbulent kinetic energy (k) | initial and boundary | uniform, 1.5 [m2/s2] |
Outlet of turbulent kinetic energy (k) | initial and boundary | uniform, 1.5 [m2/s2] |
Turbulent kinetic energy (k) in the Internal field | initial | uniform, 1.5 [m2/s2] | Inlet of dissipation (ε) | initial and boundary | uniform, 0.03 [m2/s3] |
Outlet of dissipation (ε) | initial and boundary | uniform, 0.03 [m2/s3] |
Dissipation (ε) in the Internal field | initial | uniform, 0.03 [m2/s3] |
3. Simulation
4. Post-Processing
The following figures show a time-lapse distribution of flow speed (U, not scaled) in each plane view (XY, XZ, upstream-YZ, downstream-YZ from the top).

5. Analysis

5.1 Turbulent kinetic energy, k

5.2 Dissipation, ε

Item | Value/Name |
Mesh | Original: polygon by Fluent 2D |
Flow type | transient laminar Newtonian |
Solver | icoFoam |
1. Pre-Processing

2. Settings
3. Simulation
4. Post-Processing