Nano Nozzle

¶ NanoNozzle

Summary of the case, Nano Nozzle
Item Value/Name
Mesh block mesh
Discritisation Method: Molecular Dynamics
Lagrangian description (molecular cloud)
Solver mdFoam

1. Pre-Processing

Internal mesh of the nano-nozzle part
The charactic scale of the nano-nozzle is several tens of nano metres (10-9 m)

2. Settings

In the Molecular Dynamics, one potential model andone force model are taken into account as intermolecular interaction (or pair coupling).

3. Simulation

In this simulation, the dynamics of a molecular cloud consisting of water (H2O) and massless, negative-charged particle M is calculated.
Calculation log and a result at Time=0.5⋅10-13 sec.
Calculation log and a result at Time=1.0⋅10-13 sec.
Calculation log and a result at Time=1.5⋅10-13 sec.
Calculation log and a result at Time=2.0⋅10-13 sec.

4. Post-Processing