Mixer Vessel, 2D

¶ MixerVessel2D

Summary of the case, Mixer Vessel, 2D
Item Value/Name
Mesh Block mesh for all but rotator has an extra attribute: mesh motion (rotation)
Flow type transient
turbulent based on ras (standard k-ε) model
Fluids state isothermal
Solver multiphaseInterDyMFoam
Using VOF based interface capturing approach

1. Pre-Processing

2. Settings

Physical parameters, Mixer Vessel, 2D
Item Value/Name
Density (ρ) [kg/m3] air: 1
mercury: 13529
oil: 500
water: 1000
Kinematic viscosity (ν) [m2/s] air: 1.48e-5
mercury: 1.125e-7
oil: 1e-6
water: 1e-6
Interfacial tension (σ) [N/m] air-water: 0.07
air-oil: 0.07
air-mercury: 0.07
water-oil: 0.07
water-mercury: 0.07
oil-mercury: 0.07
Force of gravity (g) [m/s2] (0, 0, 0)

3. Simulation

Caution: This simulation aims to perform 5-second calculation. However, the simulation is terminated at around 0.4 seconds by default settings. First of all, the Courant number has been changed and a simulation has been executed. This case, the simulation is terminated at around 1.3 seconds. The cause of malfunctioning is still investigated. (2015-08-27)

4. Post-Processing

5. Analysis

By the default setting (4 phases, deltaT=1e-6), the calculation is terminated abnormally. See the animation below:

One can see that air (red) ajoining water (blue) seems to penetrate the impeller. This is because abnormal Courant number, i.e. C0>>1.

The reason for such an abnormal Courant number is due to the co-existence of densities with large difference. Mercury's density is 13529, while air is 1.

To verify the fact, a test calculation is performed. Instead of air, oil is replaced and water is replaced by mercury. The calculation time is set to 5 seconds.

The initial setting for the test calculation.
In this test case, the Courant number is normal.

According to several tests, acceptable (upper limit of) deltaT (time step) is 8e-4 seconds.

Cavitation around Bullet

¶ CavitationBullet

Summary of the case, Cavitation around Bullet
Item Value/Name
Mesh Block mesh for the volume field which is far enough from the bullet
Hexahedral mesh for the surface of and close to the bullet
Flow type transient
ras (handling turbulent based on a standard k-ε model)
2 incompressible (water, vapour)
Fluids state isothermal
Solver interPhaseChangeFoam
Using VOF based interface capturing approach

1. Pre-Processing

The volume field far enough from the bullet is divided into block-like (block mesh), while hexahedral mesh is applied to close-to the surface of the bullet (See the figure below).
The hexahedral mesh for close-to and the surface of the bullet.

2. Settings

The initial velocity of water is set to 20 m/s.

3. Simulation

4. Post-processing

Velocity in [m/s]. The length of arrow is fixed, i.e. not-scaled.
Pressure in [Pa]. Over time, the cavitation region extends, first just around the bullet, and then down stream.
Phase fraction and red colour denotes 100%-water.

Mixing Vessel

¶ MixingVessel

Summary of the case, Mixing Vessel
Item Value/Name
Mesh Block mesh in principle (e.g. stator)
Applying hexahedral cells for rotor
Rotor is set as an assemble of dyamic cells
Flow type transient
ras (handling turbulent based on a standard k-ε model)
2 incompressible (water, oil)
Fluids state isothermal
Solver interDyMFoam

1. Pre-Processing

1.1 Mesh generation

Layout of the mixing vessel

2. Settings

3. Simulation

4. Post-Processings

Dam Break, 3D

¶ Dambreak3D

Summary of the case, Dam Break, 3D
Item Value/Name
Mesh Block mesh for volume fields (i.e. water and air), and moving membrane as the partition
Flow type transient
ras (handling turbulent based on a standard k-ε model)
2 incompressible (water, air)
Fluids state isothermal
Solver interDyMFoam

1. Pre-Processing

A container with an obstacle in the middle at the bottom.

2. Settings

The placement of water in the container. An invisible membrane (moving cells) holds the water.

3. Simulation

4. Post-Processing

Phase fraction of the volume fields. Here water=1 (100%) coloured by blue colour.
Vector display of the volume fields, i.e. for both water and air.

Dam Break

¶ Dambreak

Summary of the case, Dam Break
Item Value/Name
Mesh Default: block with grading mesh in principle, and moving membrane as the partition
Finer: homogenous block, and moving membrane as the partition
Flow type transient
2 incompressible (water, air)
Fluids state isothermal
Solver interFoam

1. Pre-Processing

1.1 Resolution (Meshing)

Block mesh for the container. As shown in the figure, grading meshes are applied at the bottom of container and above of the obstacle.
Homogeneous and finer block mesh for the container, in order to get higher resolution.

1.2 Dynamic meshing for membrane

2. Settings

2.1 VOF (Volume of field) method

With the VOF method, the free surface of water (precisely, the interface between water and air) is expressed by the percentage (or rate, as nomencrature, Phase Fraction) of water (or air) occupied in a cell.

3. Simulation

3.1 Prallel Processing

4. Post-Processing

In the following animations, blue colour denotes 100% air while red colour does 100% water. Therefore green colour means that 50-50 mixing of water and air.

Phase fraction (water=1) of 2D Dam Break. Inter-cellular interpolation is applied.
Phase fraction (water=1) of 2D Dam Break, higher resolution. Inter-cellular interpolation is applied.